The Nambale Magnet School Class

The Nambale Magnet school (NMS) opened its doors to learners in 2009 with 32 sponsored learners (fully supported needy children) and 3 self-sponsored learners (children whose families could afford the school fees). In the last 10 years, the school has realized growth in numbers, scope and experience.

The school teaches the Kenyan Curriculum of 8-4-4 and is right now in harmony with the Government’s roll out of the new curriculum of education: 2-6-3-3-3.

In 2016, the school presented its pioneer class of 26 learners for the Kenya Certificate of Examinations (KCPE) and posted great results with a mean sore of 361.9 out of a possible 500 marks. The subsequent year, the Class of 2017 of 27 learners achieved a mean score of 375. This success has been due to hard work, determination, discipline and team work.

The school believes in a holistic approach to learning by developing cognitive skills (Head), character formation (Heart) and inculcating a work ethic (Hands).

The process of this approach espouses both formal and informal learning, with an understanding of life and the ever changing world. The outcome should be all rounded, motivated, responsible citizens and useful to the society.

NMS is a child centred institution that cares, nurtures and educates children on the margins of society as well as those from advantaged backgrounds. The integration of these groups of learners provides a unique opportunity for each learner to exploit their potential and make the most out of life. It also fosters competition amongst learners and expands their world view, as critical aspects in the 21st Century.