Nambale Magnet School Head Teacher

First of all I take this opportunity to thank the almighty God for the far he has brought us an institution.

From the onset, my vision in this school has been to produce an all-round pupil at the end of eight years. This vision can only be realised where there is high levels of discipline. It may seem an uphill task that the school has a population of about 400 learners but still we have achieved this one great objective of high levels of discipline and academic excellence. Hence our success is a combined effort of: My Office, Class Teachers, Disciplinary Committee and The Head Teacher’s office. This teamwork has made THE NAMBALE MAGNET SCHOOL to be a school of choice for many parents. All those stake holders have worked tirelessly and diligently to minimise indiscipline cases. We are proud as an institution to have transformed pupils with below average entry behaviours who had no hope in life to become very successful individuals in the society today.

As the school motto goes “INSPIRED TO EXCELLENCE”, we are all determined to a centre of excellence by providing quality education and vocational training for real world. We believe that all this can only be achieved with nothing apart from team work and fear of the lord who always enables us to do what we do the best way.

Thank you and May God bless NMS.
Mapesa Wamaya James