About lawrence
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Entries by lawrence
/0 Comments/in Latest News/by lawrenceTransformation does not start with someone else changing you; transformation is an inner self reworking of what you are now to what you will be. To transform yourself, you don’t need to do big things. Just do small things in big way. Transformation will follow you! 10years on the line.The transformation of this beautiful baby has been firmly fixed, Raising this […]
‘Love’ drives Greater New Haven’s decade of devotion to a school in Africa
/0 Comments/in Latest News/by lawrenceWhen Evalyn Wakhusama describes the children who are candidates to attend the Nambale Magnet School she founded in Kenya, she uses words such as “pain,” “devastation” and “traumatized.” Yet, that changes as Wakhusama speaks of what happens to those orphaned and vulnerable children when they are enrolled in the school in a rural part of […]
Students foster African school connection
/0 Comments/in Latest News/by lawrenceThree New Canaan High School students have donated $1,000 toward solar panels for a school that works with vulnerable students. Shea Smith, Megan Rigione and John Renda met with African teacher Evalyn Wakhusama at Saxe Middle School on Thursday, Feb. 7, as part of a project called the Nambale Connection. The project was recognized as […]
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The Nambale Magnet School
P.O. Box 304 – 50409
Nambale, Busia
+254 715 895 807 or +254 771 015 683